Long time since last blog! How did July and August fly away that fast?!
Kids were at holiday. Kareem has had great fun on his newly erected trampoline and working in the garden: digging, planting and harvesting. -more on that later.
Today (7th Sept. 2017) Kareem is at the hospital doing test (gastroscopy
and colonscopy) because he has difficulties going to the loo. He is a great kid
when it comes to hospitals and doctors. He is so well-behaved there.
Few months
ago, he sat courageously to have 2 teeth pulled out and went from hospital to school talking about his trip. He loves Peppa pig going to the dentist perhaps
because he can relate it to his visit although Peppa did not have to have any
Well done Kareem for the courage of your little
Taking the medicine before going to theatre.
All ready now
Good luck Kareem
PM: I went to the hospital to see kareem. H'd finished his tests and was sitting in the bed with a "remote". He did not want to go back to school or home. He wanted to stay in the hospital and play with the remote (which changed the bed position). He was not wild about the white rose I gave him and when he smelled it he said it sment of strawberry! But he took the chocolate then gave it to his dad. Clearly the remote was more interesting. However he agreed to give the rose to the nice nurse.
While mentioning the nurse.Huge thank you to the staff at the JR kids hospital. God bless the #NHS and push Tories plans away from it!
PM: I went to the hospital to see kareem. H'd finished his tests and was sitting in the bed with a "remote". He did not want to go back to school or home. He wanted to stay in the hospital and play with the remote (which changed the bed position). He was not wild about the white rose I gave him and when he smelled it he said it sment of strawberry! But he took the chocolate then gave it to his dad. Clearly the remote was more interesting. However he agreed to give the rose to the nice nurse.
While mentioning the nurse.Huge thank you to the staff at the JR kids hospital. God bless the #NHS and push Tories plans away from it!