Kareem with Shadi, his kind brother

Kareem with Shadi, his kind brother

Thursday, 7 September 2017

At the hospital for tests

Long time since last blog! How did July and August fly away that fast?! 

Kids were at holiday. Kareem has had great fun on his newly erected trampoline  and working in the garden: digging, planting and harvesting. -more on that later.

Today (7th Sept. 2017) Kareem is at the hospital doing test (gastroscopy and colonscopy) because he has difficulties going to the loo. He is a great kid when it comes to hospitals and doctors. He is so well-behaved there. 

Few months ago, he sat courageously to have 2 teeth pulled out and went from hospital to school talking about his trip. He loves Peppa pig going to the dentist perhaps because he can relate it to his visit although Peppa did not have to have any procedures!

Well done Kareem for the courage of your little heart. 

Taking the medicine before going to theatre.

All ready now

Good luck Kareem

PM: I went to the hospital to see kareem. H'd finished his tests and was sitting in the bed with a "remote". He did not want to go back to school or home. He wanted to stay in the hospital and play with the remote (which changed the bed position). He was not wild about the white rose I gave him and when he smelled it he said it sment of strawberry! But he took the chocolate then gave it to his dad. Clearly the remote was more interesting. However he agreed to give the rose to the nice nurse.

While mentioning the nurse.Huge thank you to the staff at the JR kids hospital. God bless the #NHS and push Tories plans away from it! 

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Friday, 24 July 2015 He is now playing football

Besbes (Kareem) loves playing “bou” (ball) in the garden. He walks while kicking the ball forwards till it stops-usually at the flower bed when he says “goo”. It seems that he is always scoring goals. We have to play according to his rules so when it is “ma tè” then it is his turn to kick the ball. He always stands near the end of the rockery facing the patio while the other person stands on the patio. This is one of his rules. Sometimes he changes position and waits in the patio sitting crossed legged on the bench! I think that is when he is tired but still wants to play. He takes little rests.

It has been a great achievement that Kareem can walk, run, kick, know the rules and create his own. Everything takes time but when he does it, everything is a great achievement that brings lots of genuine happiness to all of us especially when he laughs. He has the most gorgeous laughter. It is like  lovely music of a clear bell.

الآن يلعب الكرة
بسبس (كريم) بيحب يلعب "بو" أي كورة ف الجنينة . هو بيمشي بالكورة وهو بيشوطها مسافات بسيطة لغاية ماتقف –وغالبا ماتقف ف وسط الزهور وساعتها يقول "جو". وبكده هو دايما بيحرز أجوال!  واحنا علينا نلعب طبقآ لقواعد اللعبة ال هو اخترعها فمثلا لما يقول "ما تيه اي my turn" يكون ده دوره ف المشي بالكورة. ودائما يقف عند طرف الجنينة حيث السور الحجري واللاعب الاخر يقف ف الطرف الاخر عند الممر. ولكنه أحيانا يعكس الوضع ويجلس متربعا علي كرسي ف انتظار الكرة. اعتقد انه يفعل ذلك عندما يكون تعبان اي انه يأخذ استراحات قصيرة.

انها إنجازات كبيرة ان البسبس يستطيع ان يمشي وجري ويشوط الكرة ويعرف القواعد ويخترع قواعد اخري للعب. كل شئ يستغرق وقتا معه ولكن كل تقدم يحرزه يجلب سعادة غامرة حقيقية لكل من حوله وخاصة عندما يضحك. أعتقد ان ضحكته هي ألطف ضحكة –كأنها جرس جميل

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

20th April 2017 : Speaking

Dib Dib Dib
The sound of his little feet on the wooden floor in the morning is like lovely music to my ears. I sit in bed just listening to his feet outside my room hoping that he would come in.

He normally gets up about 5:30 am and go to his parents bedroom before coming to my room to wake me up around 7:00 to “go work” . But sometimes he comes early and cuddles next to me. Nothing can put me in a bad mood like being woken up early. Kareem is an exception. No matter when or how he wakes me up, I find myself happy and cannot stop smiling. 

He can say an understandable "morning" and "good night" now. In fact his speech is improving a lot everyday and he is full of chat. I still have to listen carefully as he is now making 4 words sentence and a sentence rapidly follows another. The difficulty comes when he says something and while I understand the words, I cannot comprehend the full meaning of the speech. This is because I am still stuck in the context of previous speech while he has already moved on to another new idea/context! He now asks why about everything. I when you ask him why he replies "because" and then give a reason.

I remember the days when he was saying a word or two and I was wondering when he would be able to make a sentence. Now he is the greatest chatterbox! 

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Teacher's card at the end of the year

I was looking at old cards and photos and came across this card from Kareem's teacher at the end of 2015 . Such lovely words. 

Dear Kareem
I have truly loved seeing you grow over the past two years. I will miss seeing you  smile everyday but I know you are going to have an amazing time in year one and I promise I will come and find you in September  to see how you are getting on. 
Much love and hugs
S xx 

Saturday, 22 April 2017

The early says of living with a very special baby

12 Nov 2009
Today I went to the hospital to see my baby nephew "Kareem" who was born the day before while I was travelling. The doctor was examining him and I heard his mum crying: he is Down’ isn’t he? Her voice was full of mixture of knowledge (she is a paediatrician) and false hope. The kind doctor said yes but we will do further tests. He left and I held the baby while mum was on the telephone to give the "sad" news to the baby’s dad who is working in another country.

Holding the babe was an amazing moment for me. I could feel floods of love pouring from every cell in me towards the baby. I nicknamed him Boos (kisses) feeling that I want to cover him with kisses except that he was too pure to kiss more than his tiny feet.

Since that moment I am still struggling to believe that there is possibly more love (at least his parents) that exceeds the feeling I have for him.

Dec 2009
Bebs (I keep inventing more derivatives from the original nick name I gave him!) is home but he is not growing very well and we are worried. His mum spends 2 hours a day pumping breast milk in bottles to save him the trouble of breast feeding as he is finding it difficult and we are worried that he would be advised to go for bottle feeding.

Dec 2009
Bebs had a heart echo. His 4 heart chambers are almost one -basically they are not separated as in normal heart and he is lacking one valve. Therefore his body and brain are not getting enough oxygenated blood and that is part of his lack of growth. We start the saga of fixing a date for his heart surgery. Every time the hospital gives us a date, mum and baby go to stay a day or two to prepare for op. Then Bebs gets a fever and op date gets cancelled.

May 2010
Now we are in May 2010 when another saga started. Our local hospital stopped performing open heart surgery for babies and we were referred to Southampton hospital (two hours away from us).  So we had to have a more complicated arrangements: I took time off work in order to accompany mum and baby to the Southampton hospital while his brother Shadi stayed with our other sister. 

At Southampton, Bebs got a date for the operation but in that morning he developed a fever. More blood tests from his tiny veins revealed no infection. Then they decided to test his urine by taking a sample through inserting a needle in his tummy to go straight to his bladder. That was really a horrible procedure which resulted in nothing- no urine came out to be tested. 

His mum tried hard to convince the surgeons that Bebs had no infection but his slightly high temperature was due to dehydration that needed fluids and that the baby was ready for the operation but none would listen. She cried her heart out as she became really worried about his health with his heart condition stopping him growing. 

On top of all that he had some sensitivity to formula milk which was not detected early despite mum's concerns. He was fed through a nasal tube even when he was home. but that is another story! 

Finally the day came and he had his operation. His dad flew to England and he was with his baby immediately after the operation. 

At last he came out of the operating theatre and we were told that he was fine!

OMG at last his hear started to pump enough blood with oxygen to his body and to his brain so we could hope that he starts to catch up on mental and physical development. 
After the hear operation in his car seat ready to go home-at last! 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Learning maths

30 October 2016 (Kareem is almost 7 years old)

I forgot how Kareem learnt to count!. We used books where he traced figures using filter pens which he wiped away afterwards. He really liked to do that and we did it regularly for days and days.  The school played an important role in teaching him the numbers and he liked repeating them. We started counting things.  He loved counting his fingers but for long time I am not sure that he knows by heart that he has 5 fingers in each hand and total of 10. 

Now he can count up to 20 and he loves counting. He also learnt to write the numbers up to ten. His writing which has been all over the place is becoming a bit clearer. It is difficult for him to hold the pencil with a good grip. His mum got him special elastic bands that hold the pencil and 2 fingers but he did not like them. He still holds the pencil in its middle which makes the grip difficult and the writing not focused. However, often he tries to change the grip and holds the pencil near its tip and writes better. Other times he refuses my help to get his fingers nearer the tip of the pencil. If I insist then he would throw the pencil, paper and his glasses away.

This summer (2016) we travelled and I almost stopped doing maths with him. So it has taken some time to get him to remember how to write the numbers. After about a month of daily work, he occasionally forget how to write 3, 5.

I have been trying to get him to learn the concept of adding.  I thought that beads would do the trick, but he uses them (and other objects) as toys for playing not counting!. So we use the old method of :

3+2= Leave the 3 here and put the 2 on my fingers. Then I ask what is after 3 and he counts on my fingers. I tried to have 3 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other but he gets confused.

By using this method, he can add up to 9+1. We also use a game of puzzles that has one side the equation with pictures e.g 3 ducks + 4 ducks. The other bit of the puzzle is numbers from 1 to 10. He counts all the ducks regardless of the plus sign and then chooses the correct puzzle number and fit it.

However, I am not sure that he actually gets the concept of addition in his head. His mum and dad use small white boards with him where he chooses the equation numbers and they help him counting on his fingers then write the number. It becomes a bit difficult when he wants to tens and hundreds together and accept he does not have enough fingers to count!

Yesterday he wanted to do 400+20. Today he was doing 200+2 !

I will go back to count oranges and apples and see if it works better.

Here is Kareem learning about volumes: more and less (March 2016)